# Use the plugin without a Spatial Reality Display connected
You can use the Spatial Reality Display Plugin for Unreal Engine even if no Spatial Reality Display is connected to the computer.
## Prerequisites
- Have the Spatial Reality Display Settings application installed on your computer (see [Setup Spatial Reality Display Settings](/Products/Developer-Spatial-Reality-display/en/develop/Setup/SetupSRRuntime.html))
- Have the Spatial Reality Display Plugin for Unreal Engine installed and correctly set up for your Unreal Engine project (see [Setup for Unreal Engine](/Products/Developer-Spatial-Reality-display/en/develop/UnrealEngine/Setup.html))
## To use without an Spatial Reality Display attached
Check **Run Without SRDisplay Mode** in **Edit > Project Settings > Spatial Reality Display**

This activates the RunWithout mode. In this mode, you can run your app inside the VR preview and move around with your mouse (right-click and drag).