# Let's get the image displayed on the Spatial Reality Display
This page explains how to get the image being displayed on the Spatial Reality Display. For an example of how to use the captured image, please refer to the [Second Window sample](/Products/Developer-Spatial-Reality-display/en/develop/UnrealEngine/Samples.html).
## Prerequisites
- Have the Spatial Reality Display Settings application installed on your computer (see [Setup Spatial Reality Display Settings](/Products/Developer-Spatial-Reality-display/en/develop/Setup/SetupSRRuntime.html))
- Have the Epic Games Launcher, Unreal Engine, and Visual Studio installed.
- Have [C++ with Unreal Engine](https://dev.epicgames.com/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/unreal-engine-cpp-quick-start) set up.
## How to get the composite image
By binding a function to the 'OnSRDRenderTextureCompletedDelegate' multi-cast delegate defined in the SRDisplayPlugin, you can obtain the composite image being rendered on the Spatial Reality Display.
1. Prepare the function to bind to 'OnSRDRenderTextureCompletedDelegate'. Define a function with 'FRHICommandListImmediate&' as its first argument and 'FTextureRHIRef' as its second argument.
If you are using Unreal Engine 4.27, use 'FTexture2DRHIRef' for the second argument.
void RenderingSRDisplay2DWindow(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, FTextureRHIRef SrcTexture);
2. Get 'OnSRDRenderTextureCompletedDelegate' from 'FSRDisplaySystem' and bind the function defined in the previous step to it. For more information on how to bind a function to a delegate, see [Multicast Delegate](https://dev.epicgames.com/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/multicast-delegates-in-unreal-engine). In this example, we use 'AddRaw()'.
srdisplay_module::FSRDisplaySystem* SRDisplaySystem = USRDisplayFunctionLibrary::GetSRDisplaySystem();
FOnSRDRenderTextureCompletedDelegate& OnSRDRenderTextureCompletedDelegate = SRDisplaySystem->GetSRDRenderTextureCompletedDelegate();
OnSRDRenderTextureCompletedDelegate.AddRaw(FSample2DWindow::GetPlayWindow(), &FSample2DWindow::RenderingSRDisplay2DWindow);
3. When an image is rendered on the Spatial Reality Display, the function(s) bound to 'OnSRDRenderTextureCompletedDelegate' will be called. The second argument of the function holds the texture of the composite image being rendered.