Sign In

Enter your sign-in ID (email address) and password, then select [Sign In].

Sign In

If you cannot sign in, select [Trouble Signing In?].

Trouble Signing In?

Go here to reset your password.

Go here to create a new account.

Sign In Help

▼ Sign-In ID Help
If you forget the email address associated with your account, please search your inbox and history for emails from
Your change of the Sony Group account information generate messages to the email associated with your account.
▼ Password Help
Please check if Caps Lock is activated on your keyboard.
Passwords are case sensitive. A common mistake is activating Caps Lock on your keyboard then typing uppercase letters when you meant to type lowercase letters.
View characters as you enter using the "eye" icon.
▼ Password Reset Help
If you tried to reset your password and haven't received your password reset email try the steps below.
  • Check your junk folder in case your password reset email went to junk mail.
  • Check that your inbox settings are configured to allow emails from
  • Check the email account linked to your account.
  • Make sure you correctly entered your email address.
If you've sent multiple requests and received multiple reset emails, only the most recent email contains the current, valid link.
▼ Further Help
If you cannot sign in to your account, visit the Customer Support page and check the network status.