Technical Information (PDF)
General information
FeliCa Technology Code Descriptions
This document describes the code types used in FeliCa technology, namely: Manufacture ID (IDm), Manufacture Parameter (PMm), System Code, and Data Format Code.
October 31, 2023 Version 1.6
Format Distinction Sequence Design Guidelines
This document describes how to create and correctly apply an application that can identify and distinguish between different formats on a card when the card is presented to a Reader/Writer.
October 31, 2023 Version 1.3
Development Guidelines for NFC/FeliCa-Enabled Devices
This document provides important points for developing NFC/FeliCa-enabled devices.
October 31, 2023 Version 1.5
By Product Category
FeliCa Standard
FeliCa Standard is used throughout contactless smartcard and mobile FeliCa products that can support various types of applications, such as transportation, e-money, and employee IDs.
Newly added to our product lineup is a chip that is equipped with AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), a new-generation standard of encryption algorithm, in addition to the conventional DES (Data Encryption Standard) encryption algorithm.
FeliCa Card User's Manual Excerpted Edition
This document describes general information about FeliCa cards, such as protocol and command specifications, excluding the security functions.
March 29, 2024 Version 2.21
FeliCa Card Technical Note for Software Development
This document provides a reference guideline for the development of application software and Reader/Writer software (firmware) using standard FeliCa cards.
January 28, 2025 Version 2.5
FeliCa Card Command Sequence Design Guidelines
This document describes the typical command sequence of applications, such as e-money and authentication services, using FeliCa cards.
January 28, 2025 Version 1.2
FeliCa Lite-S
FeliCa Lite-S is a minimized contactless smartcard product with an optimized file system and streamlined security functions, It can be used for cards and various other form factors, such as stickers.
See the list of products to which the following documents applyFeliCa Lite-S Starter's Manual
This document introduces FeliCa Lite-S products to first-time users.
October 31, 2023 Version 1.2
FeliCa Lite-S User's Manual
This document describes the protocol specifications, commands, blocks, inspection, and issuance of FeliCa Lite-S.
October 31, 2023 Version 1.4
FeliCa Lite-S Technical Note for Software Development
This document provides a reference guideline for the development of application software and Reader/Writer software (firmware) using FeliCa Lite-S.
April 1, 2021 Version 1.21
FeliCa Lite-S Security Application Note
This document describes the security of FeliCa Lite-S.
April 1, 2021 Version 1.12
FeliCa Lite-S Diversified Card Key Standard Generation Algorithm
This document describes the standard algorithm to generate unique card keys (Diversified Card Keys) for FeliCa Lite-S.
April 1, 2021 Version 1.02
FeliCa Link
FeliCa Link refers to the series of products with both wireless and wired interfaces that combine the functions of FeliCa Lite-S and FeliCa Plug. FeliCa Link also contains products that support the Reader/Writer function.
See the list of products to which the following documents applyFeliCa Link User's Manual
This document describes the specifications of FeliCa Link, namely: protocol specifications, command specifications, and interface specifications.
October 31, 2023 Version 1.1
FeliCa Link Starter's Manual
This document describes the introductory information of FeliCa Link products for the first time users.
October 31, 2023 Version 1.1
FeliCa Link Security Application Note
This document describes security of FeliCa Link.
April 1, 2021 Version 1.02
RC-S730 Product Specifications
This document describes the fundamental performances and the features of FeliCa Link RC-S730.
April 1, 2021 Version 1.03
NFC Dynamic Tag
(FeliCa Plug)
NFC Dynamic Tag is a wireless-interface product, which can be embedded into electronic devices, enabling the device to communicate with any NFC reader/writer or with any NFC smartphone.
See the list of products to which the following documents applyNFC Dynamic Tag (FeliCa Plug) User's Manual
This document describes the specifications of NFC Dynamic Tag (FeliCa Plug), namely: protocol specifications, command specifications, and interface specifications.
April 1, 2021 Version 1.15
RC-S801 Product Specification
This document describes the fundamental performance and features of NFC Dynamic Tag (FeliCa Plug) RC-S801.
April 1, 2021 Version 1.07
RC-S802 Product Specification
This document describes the fundamental performance and features of NFC Dynamic Tag (FeliCa Plug) RC-S802.
April 1, 2021 Version 1.07
Near Field
Communication (NFC)
The following documents provide technical information necessary for development of devices and software based upon NFC-F technology for the purpose of interoperability with existing devices in the market.
NFC-F technology is specified openly in the NFC Forum specifications, ISO/IEC 18092, and JIS X 6319-4. NFC-F technology is used by FeliCa products. You can find the NFC Forum specifications at

Procedures for Type F Card Application on SE with SWP Interface
This document provides guidelines for implementing Type F features on Secure Elements (SEs) supporting the SWP interface within an NFC device. Type F features are comprised of NFC-F technology and communication protocol.
April 1, 2021 Version 2.01
The version 1.0 references the specifications (e.g., GlobalPlatform Card Specification) that are not latest but still available and widely implemented in the market, compared to the version 2.0.
April 1, 2021 Version 1.02
Implementation Guidelines for NFC-F Contactless Frontend
This document provides guidelines for implementing contactless frontends (CLFs) that use NFC-F technology.
April 1, 2021 Version 2.01
Best Practices White Paper - NFC-F Device Detection
This document provides a guideline for the command sequence that should be used by a device in poll mode to discover and classify communication partners using NFC-F technology.
April 1, 2021 Version 2.01
Host-based Card Emulation for NFC-F Application Development Guidelines
This document provides informative guidelines for development of applications using Host-based Card Emulation for NFC-F available in the Android™ operating system developed by Google Inc..
April 1, 2021 Version 1.02