USB NFC Reader
Where can I find the NFC reader driver software?
The driver software for Windows OS can be downloaded from our product page at https://www.sony.net/Products/felica/business/products/RC-S380.html.
We also provide reference implementation SDK named Basic Suite (ICS-D101/V16) https://www.sony.net/Products/felica/business/products/ICS-D101.html, which includes sample implementation and drivers in source code to port any environments (e.g. Linux). Please send us your inquiry via the FeliCa web form.
We also provide reference implementation SDK named Basic Suite (ICS-D101/V16) https://www.sony.net/Products/felica/business/products/ICS-D101.html, which includes sample implementation and drivers in source code to port any environments (e.g. Linux). Please send us your inquiry via the FeliCa web form.