Network Video Management System

Article number: 000000900
Product: Network Video Management System Enterprise Edition 2016-R3
Version: 1
First published: 01/25/2016
Last modified: 01/25/2016

The SUP expiration date is not shown on Management Client


You have a Network Video Management System Enterprise system including SUP with an activated license. The SUP expiration date is not shown in the Management Client.


You have a Network Video Management System Enterprise system including SUP with an activated license. The SUP expiration date is not shown in the Management Client Cause on the License Information page.


Steps to apply the hotfix

  1. Run SUPExpirationFix.reg and accept the change
  2. Reload License Information page

No need to close any applications or stop any service


A hotfix is available for 2016-R3.

Download link

The hotfix download link is not published. Contact your local dealer for more support.