Chen Minhui Photo Exhibition One and Only : Finding

This work is a series of photographs of food and the body.
Today, many people feel imperfect and are anxious about their appearance, concerned about how others see them.
This evidence demonstrates that we are too focused on the ‘self in the mirror.’ If we obsess too much about the selves we see in the mirror, we may become too concerned about what others see, chase after things we don't really want and ultimately be crushed by the pressure.

I too fell into the ‘me in the mirror’ trap of obsessing about my body because my facial allergies remained without healing all year long in 2020.
In March 2021, I began to dispel this anxiety, look at myself and expose my true self.

As I have been reexamining my appearance and body shape, I have come to realize that each person's body is unique.
I tried to find the features of my body and describe my body with a discerning eye.
During my diet I observed food closely, which enabled me to find similarities between food and my body and to gradually accept the parts of my body that I didn't like.
I would like to photographically document the similarities and characteristics of the body and food.

Chen Minhui Profile

Born in Jiangxi, China, raised in Zhejiang and Liaoning provinces,
currently resides in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.
B.A., Department of Art, Seian University of Art and Design. M.A.,
Department of Film and Photography, Graduate School of Musashino Art University.
Creative activities primarily using photography for artistic expression.
Her works, related to expressing emotions, document her daily life and hometown. Through photography she expresses her inner thoughts.


B.A., Department of Broadcasting and Television Editing Specialty, Jilin Normal University
B.A., Photography, Information Design,Seian University of Art and Design
M.A. Imaging Arts and Information Design,Studies in Design and Configuration,Graduate School of Musashino Art University

[Solo Exhibitions]

Aug. 2021
Hyojo Danto (Shenyang, Liaoning Province and Japan),Gallery Main, Kyoto
Apr. 2024
The Siege, Gallery metabo, Kyoto、KG+
Jun. 2024
One and Only : Finding, Sony Imaging Gallery, Ginza

[Group Exhibitions]

Jun. 2017
Beijing Impression, Siping City, Jilin Province, China
Feb. 2022
The One and Only, Graduation Works Exhibition of Seian University of Art and Design, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Kyoto
Apr. 2022
The One and Only, Art Museum Campus Selection Exhibition of Seian University of Art and Design, Shiga
Jul. 2022
The Siege, Musashino Art University, Tokyo
Oct. 2022
The Siege, Norio Kobayashi Seminar Exhibition at the Department of Imaging Arts and Sciences of Musashino Art University,
Gallery Le Deco, Shibuya, Tokyo
Jul. 2023
Hyojo (Ice Castle), Musashino Art University, Tokyo
Jul. 2023
The Siege, Musashino Art University, Tokyo
Jan. 2024
Kizuna - Intangible Threads, Graduation Works Exhibition at Graduate School of Art and Design of Musashino Art University, Tokyo

[Major Awards]

Jilin Normal University Photography Award
National (China) University Students Advertising Art Award
Awarded Grand Prize of TV Advertisement Exhibition
Seian University of Art and Design Graduation Exhibition Excellence Award