Kyushu Sangyo University Graduate School of Fine Arts Photo Exhibition Navigating the Layers

This photo exhibition, Navigating the Layers, presents the work of photography students from the Kyushu Sangyo University Graduate School of Fine Arts. A photograph is a layer of history formed by the photographer who took it, showing what the photographer has come into contact with and faced before a single photograph is created

Plants and Plants follows the relationships between man-made objects and plants in the city.

From Beach to Beach, based on earthenware excavated from the Nata Site on the Fukuoka coast nearby, traces the Mt. Aso pyroclastic flow that erupted about 90,000 years ago.

A Dove Commands Me to Write a Poem wrote in her own melancholy voice from the death of someone close to her.

The Shadow Chases looks at the light and shadows of the city and projects the photographer's own thoughts and feelings.

Parallel Lines Waver explores what it means to be a person as they are there, without being caught up in images or attributes.

Sometimes It's Sunny shares a certain place in the hearts of myself and others in exchanges with people I met on the coast around Japan.

Abandoned records the appearance of aircraft, which stand on their sites with their memories.

We hope you enjoy the seven layers that we continue to earnestly face through photography to see what we can leave behind for society in this era of rapid change.

Plants and Plants
Guo Dong

In contemporary society, plants have permeated the urban surface as an integral part of the urban fabric, creating a unique visual landscape. On limited sites, a battle for space is being waged between the city and plants, which is intensifying as the city continues to develop. The existence of plants can be drastically altered by the arbitrary thoughts of humans.

Plants exist as life, but can also be treated as things by creating fake plants through industrial materials. These plants have become familiar to us along with the transformation of the city. Given this situation, we decided to objectively observe the plants present in the city.

A Dove Commands Me to Write a Poem
Jiang Mengyuan

The death of someone close to me brought a fear of death to me. When I witnessed the death of my grandparents and how my stepfather lived with death, my fear and sadness about death grew and became unnerving. I felt that all words were helpless.

To let it all go, I headed for the mountain. The mountain was a quiet place of peace and tranquility where suffering had left. I wrote down my wavering feelings in a poem.

From Beach to Beach
Fumio Kinoshita

While walking along Nata Beach in Fukuoka, I found an old pottery shard. Upon investigation, I discovered that the site was the Nata Ruins, a Yayoi Period settlement site dating back about 1,900 years. The vast dunes of the Nata Coast were also found to contain volcanic ash formations, including the Aso-4 pyroclastic flow from Mt. Aso in Kumamoto, which is believed to have erupted about 90,000 years ago. I photographed the ruins that might be my roots and from Mt. Aso to Ehime-Ikata in Shikoku and the neighboring prefecture of Kochi, where pyroclastic flows reached across the sea after burning Kyushu with high temperatures and high speed.

Kaito Nagata

It has been more than 120 years since the Wright Brothers first fulfilled their dream of flying. Over these years, aircraft have continued to evolve. Some are newly built, while others are discontinued and become industrial waste. While some parts are reused and others are melted down and reborn as aluminum cans, some that are not disposed of are displayed in parks and museums as well as in Self Defense Force and other facilities. However, more and more aircraft on display are being removed due to aging. I would like to record the aircraft on display, along with their environment, and preserve them for future generations.

Parallel Lines Waver
Kana Tsuruoka

What is the other? What is normal? What is 'as is'?

The difficulty of simply being there, without being bound by images.
It is the same with living.

There are limits to what you can see. What you have seen is only a part of the scene. In fact, I may not be seeing anything at all. Now, I can only face it again and again.

Just the way it is, just the way it is.
That's it, that's the way it is.
Look at the self and know others.

Sometimes It‘s Sunny
Wen Tiannong

Many feelings are surging in society today - coldness, greed, suspicion, conflict, division and an inexplicable anger that is also spreading on the internet. We live in such a society, which can create negative feelings. Sometimes we want to escape this reality. Even if only temporarily, it would be nice to give myself a break. The vastness of the ocean absorbs all our negative feelings and the sound of the waves seems to speak to us: “You are doing very well, and welcome back here.” I too escaped into this world and met many different people.

The Shadow Chases
Zhang Yanwei

Morning light pours over the streets.
The sound of flowing traffic awakens life and tires scrape the city floor.

We meet, we take on life and we learn once again to face life.
We are the shadows in the darkness and we pursue the light.