REMBRANDT Photo Exhibition gradation

The word gradation is derived from the Latin gradus, meaning step, process or stage. The retouching technique is constantly advancing day by day, and the retouching process has become more and more precise over time. The stage at which both fuse into a single form can be described as the gradation itself. Eighteen retouchers at Rembrandt, the Photo Creative Division of Hakuhodo Products Inc., always think and act on their own as creators and expressed 18 different gradations that they each felt. Please come and see the exhibition of Rembrandt's works, which will continue to look forward.


1987: Hakuhodo Photo Creative Inc. spun off from the Photography Department of Hakuhodo Inc.
1994: Digital Department started digital camera photography and retouching
2005: Established Hakuhodo Products Inc. through joint venture of group companies
2013: Renamed the Image Processing Division - Rembrandt
Currently, the company employs 19 people as a specialized retouching team for graphics and movies.

April 2021: Japan Exhibition
November 2021: Love Exhibition
Hakuhodo Product's Inc.
Rembrandt Photo Creative Division