Seiji Yokoshima Photo Exhibition Saddle up

The way I ride, I load my gear on my motorcycle and head out with no destination in mind.

I get out of the city, cross rivers and mountains, and find myself along the coast. I set up camp for the night, eat a little something, then roll up into my sleeping bag.

That's how I ride.

I'm not looking for scenic landscapes nor am I hell-bent on sampling some local cuisine. There aren't any particular highlights as such, just fragmented vague bits of memory I constantly overwrite.

But, if there's something that catches my interest on a ride, I take pictures.

Riding is not without setbacks like downpours, crosswinds and motorcycle troubles, but when stuff like that occurs, I just roll with it, trust my instincts and keep pushing ahead at my own pace.

That's how I like it.

Online view of his works

Seiji Yokoshima Profile

Born in 1978. His first time overseas, shipped his motorcycle to Vancouver, Canada and spent about one year riding some 60,000 km across North and South America, during which he discovered his interest in photography and travel. After that, has traveled to various places where he has photographed scenes from daily life.


“Nap & Peace” Sony Imaging Gallery Ginza (Tokyo)
“BLINK MEMORIES - Istanbul” Olympus Gallery (Tokyo, Osaka)
“That 'I Wonder What Happened Here' Kind of Feeling” Totem Pole Photo Gallery (Tokyo)
“BLINK MEMORIES - Ha Noi” Konica Minolta Plaza (Tokyo)
“Delhi (Photo Premio)” Konica Minolta Plaza (Tokyo)


“BLINK MEMORIES - La Habana” (Utakatado)