Takuma Suda Photo Exhibition See you again

How many people you meet in your lifetime?
There are those you live with, those you work with, those you pass by on the street …
Is it predetermined whom you will meet?
It’s not likely that I would ever talk to all of those people I saw from the train window on my journey.
Those thoughts have been in my head the whole time during these journeys of mine.

In recent few years, the world has changed dramatically.
People not only have distanced themselves from others physically but mentally as well.
I had long been taking photographs of those people I met accepting that I may not see them again.
Now, those days seem like another world.

Now, I wish to see them again.
“See you again”.

Photographing location

Photographing location
(Click the map image to see the enlarged image)

Online view of his works
Music by Kounosuke Osaka

Takuma Suda Profile

Born in Tokyo. Active portrait photographer for magazines, advertisements, etc., based in Tokyo. In recent years, has toured studios and regions across Japan renowned for their traditional handicrafts, taking photographs. In 2016, staged his “Fereshteh -13years in Iran-” photo exhibition at Sony Imaging Gallery Ginza, where he showed 13 years of photographs he took of Afghan girl refugees in Iran.

Apprenticed under journalist Kenji Goto who established INDEPENDENT PRESS
Apprenticed under fashion photographer Cassio Macambira
Became freelance
“Fereshteh -13years in Iran-” photo exhibition, Sony Imaging Gallery Ginza