Fifth Anniversary Exhibition of Sony Imaging Gallery Next Generation

Sony Imaging Gallery celebrates our fifth anniversary during July 2019 with two one-week shows, featuring a total of eight up-and-coming photographers who have previously shown their work here. We invite all photography lovers to join us in looking toward the future evolution and diversity of photography.

Part1 : Friday, July 12 - Thursday, July 18, 2019

  • Exhibitor :
    • Daisuke Takakura,
    • Nana Takanawa,
    • Kazumi Nakai,
    • Keisuke Harada

Daisuke Takakura “loop pieta / vein”

loop pieta
I went through life’s transitions and the me who was a child became an adult, and I became a parent holding a child, and by and by I was more aware than ever that I could die. The “me” in the arms of the “me” who wears the color of blood is a child who may yet be born, is a parent who will die, which is to say it is myself. It’s the story of a circulating blood line and it’s been around forever, everywhere.
Cherry blossoms in full bloom. What enables the flowers to bloom, what supports them is the roots, the trunk, the branches. Even without flowers, plants are quite beautiful. They stand proudly all over the world. Blue veins run like branches along this white arm. Blood is circulating, I am alive. Whether or not they flower, everyone is alive.

Daisuke Takakura Profile

Living in Tokyo, 1980 Born in Saitama, 2002 Graduated from Rikkyo University, Faculty of Law

<Solo Exhibitions>

“clerestory” in Tezukayama Gallery, Osaka
fotofever paris in Carrousel du Louvre
fotofever paris in Carrousel du Louvre
“monodramatic/loose polyhedoron” in Tezukayama Gallery, Osaka
“monodramatic/loose polyhedoron” in Sony Imaging Gallery, Tokyo
”Various Life” in Factotum Gallery, Tokyo
”Monodramatic” in Art Gallery M84, Tokyo


International Photography Awards 2015 Professional:2nd Place Young Portfolio 2015 (Selected by Eiko Hosoe, Daido Moriyama, Keizo Kitajima in Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts)
See Me Exposure Award the 5th annual - Honorable Mention The Candid/Street Collection
PX3 Portraiture, SelfPortrait: 1st Prize
PX3 Portraiture, Fine Art, Abstract: 3rd Prize
LensCulture Visual Storytelling Awards: Finalist
Emon Award: Finalist
Nominated for Reviewer Award (Selected by Managing Director & Joint CEO of HAKUHODO Kettle Inc.)

<Group Exhibitions>

Review Santa Fe Art Central 2018
Central Harbourfront, Hong Kong
fotofever paris in Carrousel du Louvre
“Brave New World” in DOX, Plague

Nana Takanawa “Life of Wild Dolphins”

The island of Mikurashima is an outlying part of Tokyo. Living around the island is a pod of about 150 Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins. Words like “cute” or “peaceable” are not enough to describe these creatures who manage to live in the harsh environment of the ocean. You may think they are approaching you in friendship, and then they menacingly bare their sharp teeth. After bearing and rearing a calf, a dolphin resumes the offense and defense of the next life cycle. These photos reveal a small portion of the dolphin life that can hardly be seen in aquariums.

Nana Takanawa Profile

Came to Tokyo to become a dolphin trainer having been captivated by the dolphins she saw at an aquarium as a young child, but became drawn to cetaceans after swimming with dolphins in the wild as a volunteer in a study off Mikura Island in 2002. After graduating from a vocational school, moved to Mikura Island in 2004 and began practicing underwater photography on her own, while working as a guide on dolphin swim tours. Currently, continues to photograph dolphins and whales in the wild, working out of Aichi Prefecture. Provides her photos to TV programs, magazines and other media in Japan and abroad. Released her “Dear Dolphin: In the Water with Dolphins” photo collection in 2017.

Kazumi Nakai “Mahorama (A peaceful and wonderful place)”

Mahorama means a “peaceful and wonderful place” in the language used in the Yamato area of early Japan - a kind of utopia.

When I was in elementary school, I went by myself to visit my grandmother in Nara during summer break one time. I recall setting out on the more than 3-hour trip constantly checking the timetable of train connections my mother had written down for me on a piece of paper.

It was a special holiday where everything I saw seemed fresh and adventure filled the air.

Traveling brings out all sorts of feelings in me.

The longing for my family far away,
bursts of excitement at seeing something beautiful,
thoughts of those I’ll never see again,
warmth that grips my heart.

...I’m still searching for my mahorama.

Kazumi Nakai Profile

Born in Hyogo Prefecture. Produces and acts in theater and independent films. Got into photography after becoming interested in an SLR camera she saw on location. In 2017, graduated from the PHaT PHOTO School. Currently active as a commercial, artistic and portrait photographer and travel writer.

Previous Exhibition

Keisuke Harada “Storybook Railways in Asia: India’s Charming Light Railways”

Light railways have played a vital role throughout the history of India’s railroads. Built to close the gaps between the standard gauge networks, these narrower gauge tracks have been lifelines for remote villages and hard-to-reach areas. The cars, which are far smaller than what runs on the main lines, are full of all sorts of people, which, at times, have to ride on the roof. Today, faded and worn by time, India is slowly laying its light railways to rest, as the country is transforming greatly alongside its rapidly growing economy. Lines are being decommissioned and upgraded to standard gauge in a wave of standardization that is swiftly rolling through the once colorful mixture of diverse elements that characterized the country’s railroads. But, railways are not the only thing changing in India, as lifestyles are gradually changing as well. A super-competitive society, suicide, religious conflict. Just during the time I was there, armed clashes with neighboring countries rocked the news for days on end. Sadly, today, you cannot speak of India solely in terms of its laid-back atmosphere and diversified values. In any case, even if the quaint railroad landscape is lost, I hope that the open-heartedness and warmth that personifies these light railways are here to stay. All I wish for is that the people I encountered by chance during my travels through India can live a peaceful life.

Keisuke Harada Profile

Born in Shizuoka Prefecture in 1997. Now attending the Department of Architecture at Waseda University. Visited Taiwan in 2014 when he was 16 years old, which was influenced by the fact that his grandfather was born in Taiwan. That same year started traveling elsewhere in the world commencing with Asian countries, and taking pictures of railways and people that he encountered by chance during his travels.

Previous Exhibition