Nashiki Maria Photo Exhibition Now or Never

What in the world should I take a picture of?
I remember thinking that the first day I walked around Tokyo to take street snaps. Amid all the commonplace scenes of daily life, I thought there wasnʼt a thing that would make a suitable subject.

Yet I kept scanning the streets attentively, just to get some shots, and as I carried on shooting like that for some days, scenes I had thought were totally familiar began to look different.

A nice pattern created by light and shadow.
A cool moment when a passerby does something that could be out of a movie.
A fantastic image projected as a reflection on window glass.
Adorable gestures of innocent children.
A road sign or traffic cone that could almost be a work of art.

Before I knew it, street snapping had turned into a treasure hunt for me. All I need is my trusty camera. Then with some free range of perspective and imagination, plus a little playfulness, I glean a few scraps.

The title “Now or Never” really means “Golden Opportunities.”

The streets are definitely full of precious moments, to be shot now because they will never happen again.

When I hear a word or two from someone who sees my street snaps and finds them fun or inspiring, it makes me happy to think my work has touched them, just as I am touched when I take a snap.

About Nashiki Maria

She loves to walk around every day and take street snaps.

Her favorite cameras are the Sony Alpha7 II and Ricoh GR.

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