Kazunori Nagashima Photo Exhibition Soliloquy

Recognition of the self and others, this is the theme of my work.
Our daily life is full of contrasts.
Every difference makes us, yet we like them to be balanced somehow.
And, everything in this world seems to be harmoniously synched.

If two friends are facing each other across the table in a new café, the drawings on the wall they remember may be different.
Or, a traveler from the east and a traveler from the west may see different scenery even if they are walking on the same road.
Even though the differences are faint, I always think that noticing or misunderstanding them complicates the world.

Appearing alone in these works, the subject somehow recognizes both oneself and others who are not there, illustrating through her "soliloquy" the dichotomy of confusion and harmony occupying the same space.
The independent modern woman is described in tones of perceptively lyrical and surreal feeling throughout the series, her mood as the central character filling the air.
Each photograph encourages a sense of space, context and story. The cool and warmth of the furniture touched by the subject serve as accents that subtly stimulate the viewer's sense of intuition. The effects of multiple exposure or post-production do not go beyond the photographic range, and are used to pass on her absentmindedness, her presence and illusions.
The fiber between her consciousness and unconsciousness, and her sense of purpose and apathy, are captured by the title "soliloquy", the photos showing a modern woman taking herself in.

Kazunori Nagashima Profile

Born in Yokohama, Japan, in 1971.
Graduated from Bunkyo University, then worked as a Japanese language lecturer in Malaysia for two years.
Became a professional photographer in 2004 after being a scene carpenter at Kabuki-za theater.

Participated in the Yokohama Portfolio Review in 2010.
Presented "Binding Image" in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and "G Book Show" in Brighton, England, in 2014.
International Photography Award 2016, 2nd place in Fine Art - Other.
Graphis Photography Annual 2016, Gold prize.
International Photography Award, Honorable Mention, 2009-2017.
PX3, Honorable Mention, 2015-2017.
Tokyo International Foto Awards, Honorable Mention, 2016.