

For us to continue to live on the earth
Challenges that seek to positively impact the global environment

Sony's Innovations & Challenges

Masatoshi Funabashi, Researcher/ Ph.D. in Physics of
Synecoculture and Augmented Ecosystems, is walking on the beach,
looking out over the ocean.
Funabashi is being interviewed on the roof-top of a building overlooking the ocean.

"It's not a question of how we'd like the world to change
change is inevitable.
Therefore, it's about preparing for those changes
by creatively thinking of options that anticipate them,
and together creating a cooperative society.
You can't do that on your own or through a single project."

The symbolic images of the global environment, including data on global warming, plants,
and organisms are displayed.

"It has to be all of Sony - "One Sony."
Because after "One Sony," next is "One world" and "One planet"."
For us to continue to live on the earth
Challenges that seek to positively impact the global environment

Joanne Gunsberg, the Sustainability Director of Sony Pictures Entertainment
is taking an online interview.
She develops global promotional campaigns in partnership with the Motion Picture Group,
Sony Pictures Television, and NGOs that bring awareness and inspire action on environmental issues.

"In your day to day work, and your day to day life, you should use your imagination and not stop.
You need to take action. Everyone needs to take theirs.
Small actions add up; every action counts."


Dr. Kieren Mayers, the Director, Environment and Technical Compliance of
Sony Interactive Entertainment is taking an online interview.

He leads PlayStation sustainable development activities,
including Sony's participation within the United Nations "Playing for the Planet Alliance"
established in September 2019.

"Imagine all of the thousands, the tens of thousands,
the millions of scientists in the world trying to find a way to communicate.
And we bring together our technology for entertainment to help them to do that."

Image of the Climate VR Experience in development by PlayStation Studios is displayed.
PlayStation joined the United Nations Playing for the Planet Alliance in September 2019:
video created in Dreams on PS4

Image of the VR360 video developed in Dreams on PS4 is displayed.
It was launched with UNEP to educate children about climate change during lock-down.

Daisuke Suzuki, Project manager/Venture capitalist of Sony Innovation Fund: Environment
is being interviewed in the Synecoculture farm.
Image of Suzuki and Funabashi talking in the Synecoculture farm
and Funabashi explaining about the farm to Suzuki is displayed.

"Sony Innovation Fund, a CVC of Sony Group, always puts importance on
"open innovation activity" as one of its key missions.
We don't just provide risk money to startups, but also strategic added value by
involving people throughout Sony business units and create synergies of new development
and new technologies to make the world better."

Sony Innovation Fund: Environment
Invests in companies engaged in developing technologies
that seek to positively impact the global environment by curbing climate change,
conserving resources, controlling chemical substances, and improving biodiversity.

Keiko Shiga, General Manager of Environment Section, Sustainability Department,
is being interviewed in the Synecoculture farm.

"Sony's purpose as a company is to fill the world with emotion
through the power of creativity and technology."

Sony has set a long-term environmental plan "Road to Zero"
to achieve a "zero environmental footprint" by 2050
throughout all stages of its product lifecycles and business activities.
To achieve this, it sets medium-term environmental targets every five years to serve as milestones.
Targets are determined by "back-casting" (calculating backwards) from the final goal.

"It's about many different people from completely different fields, with different ways of thinking,
uniting around one purpose: acting to save environment
To me, that's Sony."

Funabashi is being interviewed on the roof-top of a building overlooking the ocean.

"Due to increased human activity, the earth is undergoing climate change
as well as a steep decline in biodiversity."

Images of roads and buildings that symbolizes civilization,
and the earth and insects that symbolizes nature, are displayed.

"For human civilization to survive we must create not only new social and cultural mechanisms
but new forms of nature.
Naturally, those new symbiotic forms of nature will take into account
not just human beings but other living organisms.
I refer to these as "human augmentation of ecosystems," or simply "augmented ecosystems"."

SynecocultureTM and Augmented Ecosystems
Builds augmented ecosystems for purposes such as food production
and urban greening by increasing biodiversity and taking advantage of inherent ecosystem capabilities.

"I'd like to see a world where, through our relationships with other organisms,
we can have a truly positive impact on the planet."

Seiichiro Tabata, Technology & Sustainability Lead of Triporous,
is being interviewed on the roof-top of a building overlooking the ocean.

"The growth and development of human civilization is leading to a steady degradation of the environment.
All around us we can see pollutants building up in the air, in the water and elsewhere.
We've developed Triporous, a material derived from rice husks,
that can adsorb and remove pollutants from the environment."

A natural, porous carbon material derived from rice husks, with a unique microstructure,
promising a wide range of applications such as water and air purification.

Image of an experiment using Triporous is displayed.

Shin Hasegawa, Co-founder and CEO of MOON-X Inc.,
is being interviewed in his office building with a view of his own detached garden.

Japanese Start-up company 'MOON-X' which brings out next Japan brands into global
through co-creation with manufacturers and consumers.
In 2020, launched make skin care brand 'SKIN X PLATINUM' which includes TriporousTM

"Once you come to really understand TriporousTM, you realize it's not just good for the environment.
It also has amazing material properties and capabilities.
The key is combining this environmental aspect with the experience and excitement of using the product."

Product image of the male skin care brand "SKIN X" is displayed.

"We see our role as creating a finished product that
firmly integrates these through creativity and technology."

SKIN X PLATINUM EDITION is a new product from men's skin care brand SKIN X
infused with Sony's TriporousTM.
TriporousTM easily adsorbs substances difficult to adsorb with activated carbon
and enables high-speed adsorption of low-molecular-weight compounds.

Toshiyuki Hiroi, Earth Sensing Project Owner,
is being interviewed on the roof-top of a building overlooking the ocean.

"The problem is that as human beings we're generally unaware
of what's going on around us in the environment.
It's only once a negative situation has arisen that we take action to try to remedy it.

Image of the Earth Sensing technology,
attaching sensors to grazing sheep in the grasslands of Morocco,
and using sensors to make observations on farms and in the ocean is displayed.

"That's why we saw a need for real-time sensing.
Computers and semiconductors are now so advanced
that they can enable us to make future predictions at low cost.
So we can get information to people who need it and advise them
to take action to prevent negative situations arising."

Earth Sensing:
Collects and analyzes a variety of environmental data using AI and sends real-time notifications to people. Enables prevention without burdening the environment.
Approaches that harness the power of environmental organisms becomes possible.

"First and foremost, each and every one of us is reliant on the environment for our existence.
I think it would be great if we could get people to adopt this way of thinking as a starting point."

Shiga is talking in the Synecoculture farm

"We seek to take on new challenges without being bound by previous ways of thinking,
to contribute to society through technology as well as our combined capabilities."

Suzuki is talking in the Synecoculture farm

"How can we leave a good earth and a good Japan to our next generation?
That is the main principle of my actions."

Tabata, Funabashi, and Hiroi are talking on the roof-top of a building overlooking the ocean.

"I think what's most important is curiosity, or the drive and determination to break new ground."
"Imagination is essential in thinking out how we should live on this planet
and what kind of world we aspire to realize.
True science follows naturally from imagination."
"These are not problems we can leave to someone else.
As human beings we must solve them ourselves using our imagination."
"Staying positive and taking the actions that you can do.
Your actions matter."
"I'm optimistic.
Everybody has choices."

Imagination and action from each of us create the future.

Movie ends with Sony's logo.