
最新更新和生效日期:2024 年 5 月 1 日

本隱私條款 (以下稱「隱私條款」) 適用於「透過智能揚聲器進行電視控制」應用程式 (以下稱「應用程式」)。本應用程式可讓相容的語音控制裝置控制您的電視。在本隱私條款中,當我們使用「Sony」、「我們」和「我們的」時,我們是指 Sony Corporation,其地址為 1-7-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan。Sony 作為資料控制者 (此術語的定義乃根據《General Data Protection Regulation》((EU) 2016/679) 或任何其他適用的當地法律或法規),可能會收集並整合關於您、本應用程式及/或您電視的某些資訊。本隱私條款對其進行了詳細解釋。

在本隱私條款中,「Sony 集團公司」是指 Sony Group Corporation 及由 Sony Group Corporation 所控制 (本上下文中的「控制」一詞是指直接或間接擁有該公司至少百分之五十 (50%) 的投票權,或擁有實際控制該實體的管理決策之權力) 之任何法律實體。

本隱私條款僅適用於本應用程式,此外可能還有其他隱私條款適用於您與任何 Sony 集團公司或任何第三方就其產品、軟體或服務進行的互動。

注意事項:為了使用本應用程式,您將需要設定 Sony’s Cloud Service for Home Entertainment & Sound Products 帳號,該帳號具有不同的隱私條款。與您的電視相容的語音控制裝置將取決於電視型號。


  • Sony 會使用「收集資料」(定義見下文) 向您提供應用程式的特性和功能。請閱讀第 2 節 (Sony 會獲取有關您的哪些收集資料?) 及第 3 節 (Sony 如何使用收集資料?) 以瞭解詳細資訊。
  • 本隱私條款描述您的資料保護權利,包括反對 Sony 執行的一些處理的權利。請閱讀第 9 節 (隱私權 (包括 EEA 和英國、國家通知及其他隱私權)) 以進一步瞭解您的權利。
  • 當 Sony 聘請第三方代表我們處理資料時、法律要求共用資料時,或在其他特定情況下,Sony 都會披露收集資料。請閱讀第 4 節 (還有誰可存取收集資料?) 以瞭解詳細資訊。
  • Sony 可能會將收集的資料傳輸至美國、日本,以及其他可能不會提供與您本国相同的資料保護層級的司法管轄區。請閱讀第 6 節 (國際傳輸收集資料) 以瞭解詳細資訊。
  • 在台灣地區的環境中,本隱私條款中的電視係指電視和顯示器。
  • 對於亞洲和大洋洲居民,請參閱第 10 節 (其他注意事項) 以瞭解詳細資訊。

2.Sony 會獲取有關您的哪些收集資料?

Sony 可能會收到您所提供,以及在您使用本應用程式時自動從您的電視或第三方收集的下列資料 (以下統稱「收集資料」)。部分收集資料在您所在的司法管轄區內依據適用法律可能會視為個人資訊。

(i) 從您那裡收集到的資料

  • 電視名稱 (您自己輸入到應用程式中的名稱)

(ii) 由 Sony 雲端服務帳號為 Home Entertainment & Sound Products (「Sony雲端服務」) 從您的電視所收集

  • 電視資訊 (例如,型號名稱、軟體版本、地區設定、回應語音命令的功能名稱)
  • 有關電視如何回應語音命令的資料 (例如,語音命令的結果、回應語音命令的應用程式名稱)
  • 電視的狀態(例如電源狀態、播放狀態、音量、每個頻道的使用及外部輸入)
  • IP 位址以及從 IP 位址推斷的大約地點

(iii) 由 Sony 雲端服務伺服器核發

  • 由 Sony 雲端服務核發的 UUID
  • Sony 雲端服務的存取權杖
  • Sony 雲端服務的授權碼

(iv) 從第三方收集到的資料

  • 「Firebase Cloud Message」的權杖
  • 語音命令

Sony 雲端服務所核發的 UUID 是指派給您的應用程式的唯一號碼,用於將語音命令從相容的語音控制裝置傳送至您的 BRAVIA。Sony 雲端服務的存取權杖和驗證碼會核發給您的應用程式,作為 Sony 雲端服務的驗證結果。

3.Sony 如何使用收集資料?

(i) 為了向您提供所要求的服務

Sony 會使用收集資料,透過相容的語音控制裝置來處理您的要求 (例如,開啟/關閉電視、頻道切換、音量控制以及開啟/關閉已安裝的應用程式等作業)。收到您的要求後,Sony 會處理您電視的語音命令,然後將來自電視的回應傳送回相容的語音控制裝置。

Sony 必須使用此收集資料,才能為您提供這些服務。

請注意,根據歐盟法律,此處理的法律基礎是《一般資料保護條例》(General Data Protection Regulation) 第 6 (1) (b) 條——我們必須履行 Sony 與您之間的終端使用者授權合約之相關義務,以供您使用本應用程式。

(ii) 安全性

Sony 也在必要的情況下處理收集資料以確保資訊安全。

請注意,根據歐盟法律,此處理的法律基礎是《一般資料保護條例》(General Data Protection Regulation) 第 6 (1) (f) 條——必須出於控制者或第三方追求合法利益之目的。

(iii) 法律要求


請注意,根據歐盟法律,此處理的法律基礎是《一般資料保護條例》(General Data Protection Regulation) 第 6 (1) (c) 條——必須遵守法律義務。


為了能夠為您提供此服務,已傳遞給 Sony 並由其儲存的收集資料將提供給 Amazon (若您選擇使用相容語音控制裝置),以及其他 Sony 集團公司和第三方服務提供者,顯示如下:

(i) Amazon

為了透過本應用程式將您的電視與 Amazon Alexa 相容裝置連結,Sony 會與 Amazon 共用下列收集資料:

 電視名稱 (您自己輸入到應用程式中的名稱)
 您電視的狀態 (例如電源狀態、播放狀態、聲音音量、各個頻道的使用及外部輸入)
 Amazon 存取權杖
 由 Sony 雲端服務核發的 UUID
 Sony 雲端服務的存取權杖
 Sony 雲端服務的授權碼

如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Amazon 的網站 (,其中還說明了可從何處及如何刪除 Amazon 收集的此類收集資料。

(ii) Sony 集團公司

出於開展上文第 3 部 (Sony 如何使用收集資料?) 所述活動之目的,收集資料將會傳送並儲存至 Sony Electronics Inc. (於美國成立) 管理的 Sony 伺服器中。Sony 已採取適當的保障措施來確保此等傳輸乃在遵守適用當地法律的情況下進行。

如果您就本應用程式相關的問題聯絡當地的 Sony 集團公司,Sony可能需要與該 Sony 集團公司共用收集資料,以協助處理您的請求。Sony 可能出於此隱私條款中規定的其他目的,以其他方式與該 Sony 集團公司共用收集資料。

(iii) 服務提供者

Sony 和 Sony 集團公司可以出於此隱私條款中規定的目的,將第三方服務提供者做為其代表來儲存與處理此類收集資料。此類第三方包括但不限於 IT 服務提供者和資料託管提供者。

(iv) 業務轉讓

如果 Sony 或 Sony 集團公司出售或轉讓其部分或全部業務,作為交易的一部分 (包括與出售或轉讓關聯的任何盡職調查過程),此類收集資料可能由 Sony 或此 Sony 集團公司傳輸至購買實體或收購實體。Sony 在進行此交易之前和之後會繼續確保收集資料的機密性,Sony 將會在此交易完成之後以切實可行的方式儘快刪除此類收集資料。

(v) 政府機構/執法人員


(vi) 其他非關聯第三方

Sony 和 Sony 集團公司為了捍衛和行使我們的合法權利 (例如,強制遵循使用條款) 以及 Sony 認為有必要遵守我們的法律義務時,可能會將收集資料披露給稽核者或類似外部顧問 (例如,律師或稅務顧問)。


Sony 保留第 2 條所述收集資料的期限為,自您最後一次存取本應用程式及相容的語音控制裝置應用程式後 6 個月。如果您要刪除透過本應用程式所收集的收集資料,或要撤銷同意,可隨時移至 [主選單] > [透過智能揚聲器進行電視控制] > [設定] > [隱私條款]。或者,透過下方列明的地址聯絡我們,Sony 將在合理的時間內做出回應。在您撤銷同意後,Sony 將會停止使用此類收集資料,且會在 6 個月之後自動將其刪除。請注意,Sony 可能需要依法保留某些收集資料。如果 Sony 不再需要此類收集資料,則會依據內部資訊安全性政策對其銷毀或進行去識別處理。


收集資料可能會出於第 3 部 (Sony 如何使用收集資料?) 所述之目的,從您所居住的國家/地區處理、儲存及傳輸至日本、歐盟 (愛爾蘭) 和美國。收集資料將會由您居住地以外之國家/地區的人員處理,他們在我方或我們的其中一個服務提供者處任職,且這些國家/地區的此類人員可能會看到您的資訊。使用本應用程式,或向我們提供任何資訊,即表示您完全理解並同意在美國、日本和其他司法管轄區 (其中,隱私權法律可能不如您所居住和/或身為公民的國家/地區那樣完善) 對您的資訊進行此類傳輸、處理及儲存。在您居住地以外的國家/地區之法院、執法機構和其他當局可能有權在收集資料傳輸時存取該資料。

[適用於 EEA 和英國居民]
Sony 採取適當的措施以確保所有傳輸到 EEA/英國境外的收集資料皆符合適用之歐盟和英國資料保護法規的要求。由於收集資料將傳輸到 EEA 和英國境外的國家/地區並在這些國家/地區進行處理,而該些國家/地區的隱私權法律可能無法提供與您所在國家/地區的隱私權法律同等程度的保護,而且這針對之對象為持份者或供應商,而其所在的國家/地區不受歐盟委員會或英國政府之適足性認定約束,則收集資料受到歐盟委員會核准的標準合約條款 (可在以下網址存取) ,歐盟委員會的標準合約條款之附錄,或根據英國資料保護法 (如適用) 核准的獨立國際資料傳輸協議或持份者/供應商的處理者拘束性企業規則充分保護。如果您對 Sony 的資料傳輸安排有疑問或疑慮,或如果您需要相關機制的副本,請依照下方第 12 節. 聯絡我們所述的方式聯絡我們。


Sony 制訂一項共同政策,該政策以業界標準與最佳實踐為基礎,例如國際標準化組織 (ISO) 27001 系列標準和美國國家標準暨技術研究院 (NIST) 標準,並對 Sony 收集和擁有的個人資料採取嚴格的安全控制措施。這些措施包括組織資訊安全管理系統的實施和定期審查、定期培訓和提高意識計劃、資訊資產的定期盤點、物理安全控制措施 (員工存取控制、客戶控制等等)、加密通訊、嚴格的存取控制、定期資訊系統漏洞評估等等。

每當 Sony 使用服務供應商 (包括分包商) 處理個人資料時,Sony 都會確認此等服務供應商 (包括分包商) 已採取必要且適當的安全控制措施。此外,Sony 也在「Sony Group Japan - Common Corporate Privacy Policy」( 中訂明其處理個人資訊的基本政策。請也參閱此等政策,以便瞭解安全控制措施的概述。


Sony 承諾遵守有關收集、儲存和使用兒童個人資訊的所有適用法律和法規,包括美國 Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (兒童線上隱私權保護法) 及其他國家/地區之當地適用法規。

本應用程式的對象為一般受眾;應用程式並非針對 16 歲以下兒童,也不在明知的情況下從 16 歲以下兒童收集個人資訊。根據您所居住的國家/地區,此針對兒童的年齡門檻可能有所不同。

若您是家長或法定監護人,並擔心您的孩子在未徵得您同意的情況下已向 Sony 提供其個人資料/個人可識別資訊 (依適用法律所定義),則您應透過下方所示的地址聯絡我們。

9.隱私權 (包括 EEA 和英國、國家通知及其他隱私權)

在某些國家/地區,您對 Sony 所掌握關於您的個人資料擁有特定權利。這可能包括索取 Sony 或 Sony 集團公司所掌握關於您的收集資料的副本之權利,及/或如果該等收集資料不準確,您可以要求 Sony 或 Sony 集團公司更正、修改、刪除、消除、銷毀、阻止/限制處理及/或使用該等收集資料。您也可以反對 Sony 處理收集資料。在某些國家/地區,您也可以要求我們以結構化、機器可讀的格式向您提供某些類型的資訊,以及要求我們與其他控制者共用 (傳輸) 該等資料。這些權利可能會受限,例如,履行您的要求可能會透露他人的個人資料,或者您要求我們刪除我們依法必須保留的資訊,或我們存在須保留該資訊的強制性合法權益。如果您想行使任何這些權利,請透過第 12 節 (聯絡我們) 中的地址與我們聯絡。如果您對我們處理您的問題或疑慮的方式不滿意,或對於我們處理個人資料的方式有任何投訴,您有權向當地資料保護監管機構作出投訴。

[EEA 和英國居民須知的注意事項]

在某些國家/地區,您對 Sony 所掌握的收集資料擁有特定權利。這些可能包括如下所示的權利。這些權利可能會受限,例如,履行您的要求可能會透露他人的個人資料,或者您要求我們刪除我們依法必須保留的資訊,或我們存在須保留該資訊的強制性合法權益。


  • 向我們索取收集資料的副本;
  • 更正、刪除或限制我們對收集資料的處理;
  • 以結構化、機器可讀的格式獲取您提供給我們的某些收集資料,以及要求我們與其他控制者共用 (傳輸) 您的收集資料;
  • 反對我們處理收集資料 (特別是,我們不必處理資料以滿足合約或其他法律要求,或者我們將資料用於直接行銷目的)。
  • 在我們已徵得您同意的情況下,您可以隨時撤銷同意。如果您要求撤銷您的同意,並不會影響當時已在進行的任何處理。

您可以透過使用以下第 12 部 (聯絡我們) 的詳細資料來行使這些權利。


請注意,就本隱私條款中列明之目的之收集資料而言,自動決策 (包括個人檔案分析) 會產生法律或其他類似實質影響,目前沒有在我們的應用程式上執行。

如果您有尚未釋除的疑慮,您有權向位於您居住、工作或您認為發生違規行為的國家/地區中的資料保護機構提出申訴。關於歐盟資料保護機構的詳細資料,請造訪,而英國資訊專員 (UK Information Commissioner) 辦公室資料保護機構的網站為。

[Notice to US and Canada Residents]

(i) Notice to Residents of U.S. States (excluding CA)

We set forth in our Privacy Policy and List 1 below the categories of personal data we process, the purpose for processing personal data, the categories of personal data shared, and the categories of third parties with whom personal data is shared.

Consumers in certain states with comprehensive privacy laws may have the following rights:

  • Right to Know: the right to confirm whether we are processing personal data about you.
  • Right to Correct: the right to correct inaccurate personal data we hold about you.
  • Right to Delete: the right to delete the personal data provided by you or obtained about you.
  • Right to Access and Data Portability: the right to access your personal data and obtain a copy of the Personal Data previously collected by us and, to the extent feasible, in a readily usable format to allow data portability.
  • Right to Appeal: If for any reason you would like to appeal a decision made by us relating to your request to exercise privacy rights, you have the right to submit an appeal to us. Please include your full name, the basis for your appeal, and any additional information to consider.

If you would like to submit a request to exercise one of the rights listed above, you can do so by completing this form: .

  • Right to Opt-Out of Targeted Advertising: Sony does not use data to engage in online advertising and analytics practices that may be considered “targeted advertising” under applicable state law.
  • Right to Opt-Out of Profiling or Sale of Personal Information: While state laws may permit you to opt-out of the sale of your Personal Data and out of profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects, we do not engage in either of these activities at this time.
  • Right to Opt-Out of Automated Decision Making: Sony does not use personal information to render any decisions based exclusively on an automated processing of such information and thus does not provide this right at this time.

(ii) Notice to California Residents: California Privacy Notice

This California Privacy Notice is effective as of May 1, 2024.

This California Privacy Notice supplements our Privacy Policy and applies only to California residents. This notice sets forth the disclosures and rights for California Consumers regarding their Personal Information, as required by the California Consumer Privacy Act, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act, and any implementing regulations adopted thereunder (“CPRA”). Terms (including defined capitalized terms) used in this California Privacy Notice have the same meanings given in the CPRA, unless otherwise defined.

California Consumer Rights. Subject to certain exceptions, as a California consumer, you may have the following rights regarding your Personal Information:

  • Right to Know. Request information regarding what Personal Information we collect, use, disclose, and sell, including the right to request that we provide you with the categories and/or specific pieces of Personal Information we have collected about you.
  • Right to Delete. Request deletion of the Personal Information we collect about you.
  • Right to Correct. Request correction of inaccurate Personal Information that we maintain about you.
  • “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information.” While you may have the right to opt-out of the “sale” of your Personal Information or the “sharing” of your Personal Information to a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising (i.e., targeted advertising), Sony does not sell or use data from the Application to engage in such practices at this time and thus does not provide these rights.
  • “Limit the Use and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information.” Under the CPRA, we must only provide the Right to limit the use and disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information when Sensitive Personal Information is collected or processed for the purpose of inferring characteristics about a consumer or does not fall under certain statutory exceptions. Sony does not use or disclose Sensitive Personal Information in connection with the Application.

Agents. If you are an authorized representative submitting a request on a consumer’s behalf, please complete the applicable fields of information in the submission form. We will follow up to request a signed, written permission signed by the individual who is the subject of the request authorizing you to make the request on their behalf. The written permission must state your full legal name, the full legal name of the individual who is the subject of the request, and a clear description of the permission granted. Alternatively, you may submit a copy of a power of attorney under applicable state law. The consumer’s identity, in addition to your own, will need to be independently verified in order for us to be able to fulfill the request. We may also ask the consumer to directly confirm with us that they provided you permission to submit the request. Please keep in mind that if we do not receive adequate proof that you are authorized to act on the consumer’s behalf, we may deny the request.

Verifying Requests. In your request, you must provide enough information to allow us to verify you are the person about whom we collected Personal Information, or their authorized representative. You must also describe your request with enough detail so that we can understand, evaluate and respond to it. We will only use the information you provide in a request to verify your identity. When you exercise your Right to Know, Right to Delete, and/or Right to Correct, we may ask that you provide us with additional information in order to verify your identity and fulfil your request. If we are unable to verify that the individual submitting the request is the same individual about whom we have collected information (or someone authorized by that individual to act on their behalf), we may not be able to process the request. If we are unable to verify your identity, we will not be able to process the request.

Exercising your Rights
Right to Know; Right to Delete; Right to Correct

If you are a California Consumer and would like to exercise your Right to Know, Right to Delete, and/or Right to Correct, please submit your request at: ; or you may call us toll-free at 1-833-681-9900.

Data Retention
We retain Personal Information for as long as it is reasonably necessary for the purposes outlined in this California Privacy Notice. In particular, we retain your Personal Information while you have an account with us, or as long as you use the Application. We either delete your personal information or de-identify it after approximately 6 months from the collection of such data, except as otherwise required by law.

Data Reporting. To access our CCPA data reporting metrics for the previous calendar year, go to: .

Right to Non-Discrimination for the Exercise of a Consumer’s Privacy Rights
California Consumers have the right to not receive discriminatory treatment for exercising CPRA rights. We will not discriminate against you for exercising your CPRA rights.

Notice of Financial Incentive.
Under California regulations, if we offer certain loyalty or similar program(s) directly or reasonably related to the collection, retention or deletion of your Personal Information, such program may be considered a “financial incentive”. In such case, we will be required to make additional disclosures to you, which we will provide when you agree to participate.

Personal Information We Collect & Purposes for Collection. The Personal Information we collect about you will depend upon how you use the TV. Accordingly, we may not collect all of the below information about you. In addition to the below, we may collect and/or use additional types of information and will do so after providing notice to you and obtaining your consent to the extent such notice and consent is required by applicable law.
We may have used Personal Information for the following business or commercial purposes described in List 1:
List 1

Categories of Personal Information Collected

  • Identifiers Such as: Online identifiers such as TV Device ID and IP address.
  • Electronic Network information Such as: TV log data, TV command data including voice commands

Business or Commercial Purposes for Collection of Personal Information

  • Provide you with services you requested
  • Ensuring security
  • Required by law

Categories of Third Parties to Whom We May Disclose Personal Information for a Business Purpose

  • Sony group companies
  • Data hosting providers
  • Legal authorities (as required by law)
  • Business transfer recipients

Categories of Third Parties to Whom this Type of Personal Information is Sold or Shared for Cross Context Behavioral Advertising

  • Not applicable

For more information about our local Sony electronics affiliate’s California privacy practices, please refer to this California-specific information here:

Additional Notice to California Residents:
If you are a California resident, under the California “Shine the Light” law, you have the right to receive: a) information identifying any third party company(ies) to which we may have disclosed, within the past year, Personal Information pertaining to you and your family for that company's direct marketing purposes; and b) a description of the categories of Personal Information disclosed. To obtain such information, please email your request to, and include your name, email address, mailing address or zip code, and a reference to “Your California Privacy Rights – TV Control with Smart Speakers Application (Amazon)”. We are not responsible for requests that are not labeled or sent properly, or do not have complete information.

(iii) Notice to Nevada Residents:

If you are a Nevada resident, you have the right to opt-out of the sale of certain personally identifiable information we have collected about you to third parties. Sony does not currently sell your personally identifiable information as those terms are defined under Nevada law. However, if you wish to submit a request to opt-out of the sale of such information if Sony were to engage in such a sale in the future, you may submit your request in writing to: Your request must reference “Your Nevada Rights– TV Control with Smart Speakers Application (Amazon)” and include your name, mailing address, zip code, and email address. We are not responsible for requests that do not come through the designated request mechanism or do not contain sufficient information to allow us to process your request. We will respond to valid requests within 60 days.

Further Information for Residents in Québec, Canada
This notice sets forth disclosures and rights for consumers residing in Québec, Canada regarding their personal information, as required by the Québec’s Data Privacy Law 25. All Sony personnel handling personal information will be subject to a duty of confidentiality and to ensure that all personal information is handled in accordance with standard security measures. By using the TV, you acknowledge and agree that your personal information will be transferred outside of Quebec.
We will only use your personal information for the purposes stated at the point of collection, or as otherwise noted in this privacy policy.

Automated Decision Making: Sony does not use personal information to render any decisions based exclusively on an automated processing of such information.

Location Tracking: We may use automated technologies to collect information about your general location, such as your country. However, we do not track your location without your consent.

Consumer Rights:
Subject to certain exceptions, you may have the following rights regarding your personal information:

  • Right to Access/Inform. Request to confirm the existence of the personal information, communicate it to you, and allow you to obtain a copy of it;
  • Right to Erasure. Request to that we remove information we have collected from you.
  • Right to Rectify. Request rectification of inaccurate personal information we maintain about you.
  • Right to Withdraw/Restrict Processing. Request to withdraw previously provided consent to process your Personal Information. You may also ask us to clarify the categories of persons that have access to your personal information and the applicable retention period.

Exercising your rights: If you are a Quebec resident and wish to exercise your right(s), please: submit your request here:; or you may call us toll-free (within Canada) at: 1-888-494-7669.
Your request or complaint must include your full name, street address, city, province, postal code, and an email address so that we are able to contact you if needed regarding this request.
Our Privacy Officer is in charge of the protection of personal information.

Contact Information for Sony’s Privacy Officer:
Sony of Canada, ULC.
Attn: Privacy Officer, Law Department,
2235 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 800
Toronto, ON M2J 5B5
Telephone: 1-888-494-7669 (toll free within Canada)
You may submit a complaint to the Commision d’accès à l’information du Québec (CAI) by visiting:




使用本應用程式,或向我們提供任何收集資料,即表示您完全理解並同意跨國傳輸收集資料、在美國及其他司法管轄區 (其中,隱私權法律可能不如您所居住和/或擁有公民資格的國家/地區那樣完善) 中處理和儲存此類收集資料。


使用本應用程式,或向我們提供任何收集資料,即表示您同意在發生第 4 部 (還有誰可存取收集資料?) 所述的業務轉讓時,Sony 或 Sony 關係企業不必為收購實體處理收集資料相關的任何申訴或損害負責。


本隱私條款可能會出於任何原因不時更新。如果本隱私條款有任何變更,Sony 將通知您或徵求您的同意 (依據適用法律所必要的情況下)。



歐盟和 EEA 的居民:

Sony Corporation 是一家日本公司,這家公司是收集資料的控制者。我們在歐盟的代表是一家荷蘭公司 Sony Europe BV,其公司地址為:Taurusavenue 16, 2132LS Hoofddorp, the Netherlands。

如果您對我們處理您資料的方式有任何顧慮,可聯絡我們在歐盟和 EEA 的代表:


透過郵寄:Sony Europe BV, Taurusavenue 16, 2132LS Hoofddorp, the Netherlands

您還可以聯絡當地的 Sony 集團公司,網址為。


Sony Corporation 是一家日本公司,這家公司是收集資料的控制者。我們在英國的代表是一家荷蘭公司 Sony Europe BV,其在英國的分支機構之公司地址為:The Privacy Office, The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0XW, The United Kingdom。



透過郵寄:Sony Europe BV, The Privacy Office, The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0XW, United Kingdom


如果您對我們處理您資料的方式有任何顧慮,可在下方或當地 Sony 集團公司的網站上找到我們的聯絡詳細資訊:








Amazon、Alexa 和所有相關標誌與運動標記均為, Inc. 或其關係企業的商標。