

このプライバシーポリシー(「プライバシーポリシー」)は、「スマートスピーカー連携」アプリケーション(「アプリケーション」)に適用されます。このアプリケーションを使用すると、互換性のある音声コントロール対応機器でBRAVIAを制御できます。このプライバシーポリシーにおいて、「Sony」または「当社」という場合、1-7-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075に本社を置くSony Corporationを指します。Sonyはデータ管理者(この用語は一般データ保護規則((EU) 2016/679)またはその他の該当する現地法や規制に基づいて定義されています)として、お客様、本アプリケーション、およびお客様のBRAVIAに関する特定の情報を収集および統合する場合があります。これについては、このプライバシーポリシーで詳しく説明されています。

また、本プライバシーポリシーにおいて「Sonyのグループ会社」とは、Sony Group CorporationならびにSony Group Corporationが直接または間接に発行済議決権付き株式または持分の50%以上を有する会社および実質的に経営権を有する会社を意味します。


注意事項:本アプリケーションを利用するためには、Sony’s Cloud Service for Home Entertainment & Sound Productsアカウントが必要であり、かかるアカウント向けには別のプライバシーポリシーが存在します。お客様のBRAVIAと互換性のある音声コントロール対応機器は、BRAVIAのモデルによって異なります。


  • Sonyは、(以下に定義されている)「収集情報」を、本アプリケーションの特徴と機能をお客様に提供するために使用します。詳しくは第2条(Sonyが収集するお客様に関する収集情報)および第3条(収集情報の利用目的)をご覧ください。
  • 本プライバシーポリシーには、お客様のデータ保護権(Sonyが実施する情報処理の一部に異議を申し立てる権利を含む)についても記載があります。お客様の権利について、詳しくは第9条(プライバシーの権利(欧州経済領域と英国を含む、行政通知およびその他のプライバシーの権利))をご覧ください。
  • データ処理を第三者に委託する場合、法令上求められる場合、またはその他一定の場合に、Sonyは収集情報を第三者に開示することがあります。詳しくは第4条(その他の収集情報利用者)をご覧ください。
  • Sonyは、収集情報を、米国、日本、およびその他の、お客様がお住まいの国と同レベルのデータ保護を提供しない可能性のある司法管轄に転送する場合があります。詳しくは第6条(収集情報の国外への転送)をご覧ください。
  • 台湾地域においては、本プライバシーポリシーで言及されているBRAVIAは、BRAVIAとモニターの双方を指します。
  • アジア・オセアニア地域にお住まいのお客様は、収集情報について詳しくは第10条(追加のお知らせ)をご覧ください。



(i) お客様から収集される情報

  • お客様のBRAVIAの名前(お客様が本アプリケーションから入力するBRAVIAの名称)

(ii) お客様のBRAVIAから、Sony’s Cloud Service for Home Entertainment & Sound Products(「Sonyのクラウドサービス」)アカウントによって収集される情報

  • お客様のBRAVIAに関する情報(モデル名、ソフトウェアのバージョン、ソフトウェアの対象地域、音声コマンドに応答する機能の名称等)
  • 音声コマンドに対するお客様のBRAVIAの応答の情報(音声コマンド実行の成否、音声コマンドに応答したアプリケーションの名称等)
  • お客様のBRAVIAの状態(電源、メディア再生、音量、チャンネルの使用状況、外部入力の状況等)
  • IPアドレスおよびIPアドレスから推定されるおおよその場所

(iii) Sonyのクラウドサービスサーバーにより発行される情報

  • Sonyのクラウドサービスにより発行されるUUID
  • Sonyのクラウドサービスのアクセストークン
  • Sonyのクラウドサービスの認可コード

(iv) 第三者から収集される情報

  • 「Firebase Cloud Message」のトークン
  • 音声コマンド



(i) サービスの提供




(ii) セキュリティ



(iii) 法的要請





(i) Amazon

本アプリケーションを通じてお客様のBRAVIAとAmazon Alexa対応機器とを連携させるために、Sonyは下記の収集情報をAmazonと共有します。

 お客様のBRAVIAの名前(お客様が本アプリケーションから入力するBRAVIAの名称)
 お客様のBRAVIAの状態(電源、メディア再生、音量、チャンネルの使用状況、外部入力の状況等)
 Amazonのアクセストークン
 Sonyのクラウドサービスにより発行されるUUID
 Sonyのクラウドサービスのアクセストークン
 Sonyのクラウドサービスの認可コード


(ii) Sonyのグループ会社

収集情報は、第3条(収集情報の利用目的)に記載されている行為を実施する目的で、Sonyのデータ処理業務委託先である米国法人Sony Electronics Inc.が管理するSonyのサーバーに送信され、保存されます。Sonyは、これらのデータ転送を確実に現地適用法令に準拠して行うための適切な安全措置を講じています。


(iii) サービスプロバイダー


(iv) 事業譲渡


(v) 政府当局および法の執行機関


(vi) その他の第三者



Sonyは、第2条に記載されている収集情報を、本アプリケーションおよび互換性のある音声コントロール対応機器アプリケーションへの最後のアクセスから6か月間保持します。本アプリケーションを通じて収集した収集情報を削除したい場合、または承諾を撤回したい場合は、いつでも[ホーム] > [スマートスピーカー連携] > [設定] > [プライバシーポリシー]にアクセスできます。あるいは、下記のお問い合わせ窓口までご連絡いただければSonyより適切な時間内に対応させていただきます。お客様が承諾を撤回すると、Sonyは収集情報の使用を停止し、収集情報は6か月後に自動的に削除されます。Sonyは法律に従って特定の収集情報を保持する場合があることにご注意ください。Sonyが収集情報を必要としなくなった時点で、その情報は社内の情報セキュリティポリシーに従って破棄または匿名化されます。



収集情報が欧州経済領域または英国外へ転送される場合、Sonyは適用されるEUおよび英国のデータ保護法の要件を満たすために必要な措置を講じます。収集情報が欧州経済領域/英国以外の国に転送され、現地で処理される場合、現地のプライバシー法では自国のプライバシー法と同等レベルの保護が提供されない、あるいは転送先の関係者またはベンダーの国が欧州委員会または英国政府により十分性の認定を受けていない可能性があります。そのため、収集情報は、欧州委員会によって承認された以下の標準契約条項によって適切に保護されています これは、英国のデータ保護法(該当する場合)あるいは関係者またはベンダーの処理者の拘束的企業準則に基づいて承認された、欧州委員会の標準契約条項または独立した国際データ転送協定の補遺です。Sonyのデータ転送方法について質問や懸念がある場合、または関連するメカニズムのコピーが必要な場合は、以下の第12条「問い合わせ窓口」に従ってお問い合わせください。



Sonyがサービスプロバイダー(再委託業者を含む)を使用して個人情報を処理する場合、Sonyは、かかるサービスプロバイダー(再委託業者を含む)が必要かつ適切なセキュリティ管理措置を講じていることを確認します。さらにSonyは、「Sony Group Japan - Common Corporate Privacy Policy」(においても個人情報の取り扱いに関する基本方針を表明しています。セキュリティ管理措置の概要については同ポリシーもご参照ください。










  • 収集情報のコピーを請求する
  • 収集情報を修正、削除、または処理を制限する
  • お客様が弊社に提供されたある種の収集情報を構造化され機械可読形式で入手し、別の管理者に対してその情報を共有(ポーティング)するよう請求する
  • 弊社による収集情報の処理に異議を申し立てる(特に、契約上の義務またはその他の法令に従うためにデータの処理が必要ない場合や、ダイレクトマーケティングのためにデータを使用している場合)。
  • 弊社がお客様に承諾を求めた場合、お客様は承諾をいつでも撤回することができます。お客様が承諾の撤回を請求した場合、撤回前に行われた処理には影響を与えません。





[Notice to US and Canada Residents]

(i) Notice to Residents of U.S. States (excluding CA)

We set forth in our Privacy Policy and List 1 below the categories of personal data we process, the purpose for processing personal data, the categories of personal data shared, and the categories of third parties with whom personal data is shared.

Consumers in certain states with comprehensive privacy laws may have the following rights:

  • Right to Know: the right to confirm whether we are processing personal data about you.
  • Right to Correct: the right to correct inaccurate personal data we hold about you.
  • Right to Delete: the right to delete the personal data provided by you or obtained about you.
  • Right to Access and Data Portability: the right to access your personal data and obtain a copy of the Personal Data previously collected by us and, to the extent feasible, in a readily usable format to allow data portability.
  • Right to Appeal: If for any reason you would like to appeal a decision made by us relating to your request to exercise privacy rights, you have the right to submit an appeal to us. Please include your full name, the basis for your appeal, and any additional information to consider.

If you would like to submit a request to exercise one of the rights listed above, you can do so by completing this form: .

  • Right to Opt-Out of Targeted Advertising: Sony does not use data to engage in online advertising and analytics practices that may be considered “targeted advertising” under applicable state law.
  • Right to Opt-Out of Profiling or Sale of Personal Information: While state laws may permit you to opt-out of the sale of your Personal Data and out of profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects, we do not engage in either of these activities at this time.
  • Right to Opt-Out of Automated Decision Making: Sony does not use personal information to render any decisions based exclusively on an automated processing of such information and thus does not provide this right at this time.

(ii) Notice to California Residents: California Privacy Notice

This California Privacy Notice is effective as of May 1, 2024.

This California Privacy Notice supplements our Privacy Policy and applies only to California residents. This notice sets forth the disclosures and rights for California Consumers regarding their Personal Information, as required by the California Consumer Privacy Act, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act, and any implementing regulations adopted thereunder (“CPRA”). Terms (including defined capitalized terms) used in this California Privacy Notice have the same meanings given in the CPRA, unless otherwise defined.

California Consumer Rights. Subject to certain exceptions, as a California consumer, you may have the following rights regarding your Personal Information:

  • Right to Know. Request information regarding what Personal Information we collect, use, disclose, and sell, including the right to request that we provide you with the categories and/or specific pieces of Personal Information we have collected about you.
  • Right to Delete. Request deletion of the Personal Information we collect about you.
  • Right to Correct. Request correction of inaccurate Personal Information that we maintain about you.
  • “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information.” While you may have the right to opt-out of the “sale” of your Personal Information or the “sharing” of your Personal Information to a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising (i.e., targeted advertising), Sony does not sell or use data from the Application to engage in such practices at this time and thus does not provide these rights.
  • “Limit the Use and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information.” Under the CPRA, we must only provide the Right to limit the use and disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information when Sensitive Personal Information is collected or processed for the purpose of inferring characteristics about a consumer or does not fall under certain statutory exceptions. Sony does not use or disclose Sensitive Personal Information in connection with the Application.

Agents. If you are an authorized representative submitting a request on a consumer’s behalf, please complete the applicable fields of information in the submission form. We will follow up to request a signed, written permission signed by the individual who is the subject of the request authorizing you to make the request on their behalf. The written permission must state your full legal name, the full legal name of the individual who is the subject of the request, and a clear description of the permission granted. Alternatively, you may submit a copy of a power of attorney under applicable state law. The consumer’s identity, in addition to your own, will need to be independently verified in order for us to be able to fulfill the request. We may also ask the consumer to directly confirm with us that they provided you permission to submit the request. Please keep in mind that if we do not receive adequate proof that you are authorized to act on the consumer’s behalf, we may deny the request.

Verifying Requests. In your request, you must provide enough information to allow us to verify you are the person about whom we collected Personal Information, or their authorized representative. You must also describe your request with enough detail so that we can understand, evaluate and respond to it. We will only use the information you provide in a request to verify your identity. When you exercise your Right to Know, Right to Delete, and/or Right to Correct, we may ask that you provide us with additional information in order to verify your identity and fulfil your request. If we are unable to verify that the individual submitting the request is the same individual about whom we have collected information (or someone authorized by that individual to act on their behalf), we may not be able to process the request. If we are unable to verify your identity, we will not be able to process the request.

Exercising your Rights
Right to Know; Right to Delete; Right to Correct

If you are a California Consumer and would like to exercise your Right to Know, Right to Delete, and/or Right to Correct, please submit your request at: ; or you may call us toll-free at 1-833-681-9900.

Data Retention
We retain Personal Information for as long as it is reasonably necessary for the purposes outlined in this California Privacy Notice. In particular, we retain your Personal Information while you have an account with us, or as long as you use the Application. We either delete your personal information or de-identify it after approximately 6 months from the collection of such data, except as otherwise required by law.

Data Reporting. To access our CCPA data reporting metrics for the previous calendar year, go to: .

Right to Non-Discrimination for the Exercise of a Consumer’s Privacy Rights
California Consumers have the right to not receive discriminatory treatment for exercising CPRA rights. We will not discriminate against you for exercising your CPRA rights.

Notice of Financial Incentive.
Under California regulations, if we offer certain loyalty or similar program(s) directly or reasonably related to the collection, retention or deletion of your Personal Information, such program may be considered a “financial incentive”. In such case, we will be required to make additional disclosures to you, which we will provide when you agree to participate.

Personal Information We Collect & Purposes for Collection. The Personal Information we collect about you will depend upon how you use the TV. Accordingly, we may not collect all of the below information about you. In addition to the below, we may collect and/or use additional types of information and will do so after providing notice to you and obtaining your consent to the extent such notice and consent is required by applicable law.
We may have used Personal Information for the following business or commercial purposes described in List 1:
List 1

Categories of Personal Information Collected

  • Identifiers Such as: Online identifiers such as TV Device ID and IP address.
  • Electronic Network information Such as: TV log data, TV command data including voice commands

Business or Commercial Purposes for Collection of Personal Information

  • Provide you with services you requested
  • Ensuring security
  • Required by law

Categories of Third Parties to Whom We May Disclose Personal Information for a Business Purpose

  • Sony group companies
  • Data hosting providers
  • Legal authorities (as required by law)
  • Business transfer recipients

Categories of Third Parties to Whom this Type of Personal Information is Sold or Shared for Cross Context Behavioral Advertising

  • Not applicable

For more information about our local Sony electronics affiliate’s California privacy practices, please refer to this California-specific information here:

Additional Notice to California Residents:
If you are a California resident, under the California “Shine the Light” law, you have the right to receive: a) information identifying any third party company(ies) to which we may have disclosed, within the past year, Personal Information pertaining to you and your family for that company's direct marketing purposes; and b) a description of the categories of Personal Information disclosed. To obtain such information, please email your request to, and include your name, email address, mailing address or zip code, and a reference to “Your California Privacy Rights – TV Control with Smart Speakers Application (Amazon)”. We are not responsible for requests that are not labeled or sent properly, or do not have complete information.

(iii) Notice to Nevada Residents:

If you are a Nevada resident, you have the right to opt-out of the sale of certain personally identifiable information we have collected about you to third parties. Sony does not currently sell your personally identifiable information as those terms are defined under Nevada law. However, if you wish to submit a request to opt-out of the sale of such information if Sony were to engage in such a sale in the future, you may submit your request in writing to: Your request must reference “Your Nevada Rights– TV Control with Smart Speakers Application (Amazon)” and include your name, mailing address, zip code, and email address. We are not responsible for requests that do not come through the designated request mechanism or do not contain sufficient information to allow us to process your request. We will respond to valid requests within 60 days.

Further Information for Residents in Québec, Canada
This notice sets forth disclosures and rights for consumers residing in Québec, Canada regarding their personal information, as required by the Québec’s Data Privacy Law 25. All Sony personnel handling personal information will be subject to a duty of confidentiality and to ensure that all personal information is handled in accordance with standard security measures. By using the TV, you acknowledge and agree that your personal information will be transferred outside of Quebec.
We will only use your personal information for the purposes stated at the point of collection, or as otherwise noted in this privacy policy.

Automated Decision Making: Sony does not use personal information to render any decisions based exclusively on an automated processing of such information.

Location Tracking: We may use automated technologies to collect information about your general location, such as your country. However, we do not track your location without your consent.

Consumer Rights:
Subject to certain exceptions, you may have the following rights regarding your personal information:

  • Right to Access/Inform. Request to confirm the existence of the personal information, communicate it to you, and allow you to obtain a copy of it;
  • Right to Erasure. Request to that we remove information we have collected from you.
  • Right to Rectify. Request rectification of inaccurate personal information we maintain about you.
  • Right to Withdraw/Restrict Processing. Request to withdraw previously provided consent to process your Personal Information. You may also ask us to clarify the categories of persons that have access to your personal information and the applicable retention period.

Exercising your rights: If you are a Quebec resident and wish to exercise your right(s), please: submit your request here:; or you may call us toll-free (within Canada) at: 1-888-494-7669.
Your request or complaint must include your full name, street address, city, province, postal code, and an email address so that we are able to contact you if needed regarding this request.
Our Privacy Officer is in charge of the protection of personal information.

Contact Information for Sony’s Privacy Officer:
Sony of Canada, ULC.
Attn: Privacy Officer, Law Department,
2235 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 800
Toronto, ON M2J 5B5
Telephone: 1-888-494-7669 (toll free within Canada)
You may submit a complaint to the Commision d’accès à l’information du Québec (CAI) by visiting:












日本法人であるSony Corporationが、収集情報のデータ管理者となります。弊社の欧州連合における代表は、オランダ法人である、Sony Europe BV(所在地:Taurusavenue 16, 2132LS Hoofddorp, the Netherlands)です。



郵便:Sony Europe BV, Taurusavenue 16, 2132LS Hoofddorp, the Netherlands



日本法人であるSony Corporationが、収集情報のデータ管理者となります。Sonyの英国における代表は、オランダ法人であるSony Europe BVの、英国国内のプライバシーオフィス(所在地:The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0XW, The United Kingdom)です。



郵便:Sony Europe BV, The Privacy Office,(宛先:The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0XW, United Kingdom)










Amazon、Alexa、およびその他すべての関連するロゴやモーションマークは、, Inc.またはその関連会社の商標です。